Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Font sizeWe're so proud of our girls!

I love home schooling my daughters. It's hard for me to believe that I've been doing it for twelve years...such a blessing. We've been doing a lot of celebrating in the past month. Our oldest, Lesley, graduated from high school on May 6th. How the years have flown by!! Lesley already has a great start on college, and is looking into several areas of study as she thinks through possible directions for her future. She loves her Savior, her dog Gracie the Beagle, playing basketball, reading, cameras, and guitars of all kinds, shapes, and sizes. Her summer is already full with college classes, guitar lessons, work, playing softball, and hopefully time to hang out with her friends.

***********CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS GiRlS***********

Our youngest daughter, Ashley, actually could have graduated from 8th grade quite awhile ago, but we celebrated on June 5th. It was a combined 8th grade graduation and Suzuki Book One Violin graduation for her. Ashley began violin lessons in August and completed her first book in May. She loves the violin...I've never had to ask or remind her to practice. She has a great start on high school classes, and, like her sister, she also loves her Savior and her little dog Liberty the Maltese. Volleyball and basketball are favorite pastimes. She'd like to try her hand at cake decorating, has a job during the school year, and loves hanging out with her friends too. She just started her own blog too, check it out!

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