Monday, June 20, 2011

MaX OuT CaMp & Father's Day

This past weekend, Ashley attended a Fellowship of Christian Athlete's camp called Max Out.  

Max Out camps teach valuable skills for sports, but more importantly, they encourage & challenge high school students to think about why they are playing a particular sport, who they are playing for, and to play for the Lord.   This is Ashley's second time to attend the camp.  This year she went with a focus of volleyball, and last year it was basketball.  She loves both sports and loved the camp!  

Sunday was Father's Day!  The girls and I are so thankful for Dave, he's a great Dad!  After church and picking Ashley up from camp, we headed downtown.  Dave loves Old Chicago so our first stop was for some pizza in the Old Market.  From there we walked to the river front to see how much the river has risen.  It had only been a week since we last viewed the river,so it was higher, but the level hadn't changed much.

Our final destination was to the new Stadium for some College World Series action!  It was a perfect evening to watch a baseball game, and the end of the Texas A&M South Carolina game was pretty exciting.  South Carolina won.  It was a really nice day.

We walked past the Gene Leahy Mall on our way back to our vehicle.  
Couldn't pass up this reflection shot.

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