Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Welcome to my Blog

I've always been intrigued with blogs, so I've decided to try my hand at it. Although summer time has a 'busyness' of its own, it seems a wee bit easier for me to schedule in some free time during the warmest months of the year- and when we aren't heavily into school subjects.

So why a blog? Well...

When I was a little girl, I remember placing my hands into freshly poured concrete and firmly pressing down leaving two small shapes behind. Those hand prints were warmly viewed each time I passed them, and as I grew, on occasion, I measured my growing hands against the tiny forms. A simple remembrance of days gone by that I have repeated with my daughters. Hand prints on the front porch are precious memories... memories are what I hope to capture here.

My name is Kris Nickelson and I'm
on this journey called life... I am a daughter of THE King, a worshiper, a wife, a mother of two daughters, a teacher, a singer, a dabbler in photography, and a 'trier' of new recipes. The kinds of things you might find here are spiritual, musical, edible, teachable (home schooling to be more precise), loveable (my family), definitely photographic-able.

Here we go...let the blogging begin!

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